The rest of the specifications all feels rather close to the minimum Windows Phone 8 specs - at least an 800x480 screen measuring 4 inches or more, a CPU of 1GHz or more, and at least eight hours of battery life.
While this contract is purely for a Nursing home environment gig, Oyvan points out that the language of the tender could lead to a much larger order: "As of now, the tender just covers nursing staff working in people's homes, but the tender text also states it may "expand to cover other departments in the City of Oslo" and end up covering those working in nursing homes."
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And while selling the phones would be a nice win for a manufacturer, the more important point here is that Windows Phone is required because of a specific piece of software - specifically Tieto's Gerica casework and filing service. This is one example of the connected vision of Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.
Of course contracts go out all the time for mobile equipment, and it's to be expected there will be some that are OS specific, but even so it's nice to se there are aresa where Windows Phone is the number one choice.