HERE Maps update adds support for grouping of favourites

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Nokia has updated its HERE Maps app for Windows Phone 8 to version 3.5.481, adding support for organising favourites into collections (groups). As with the favourites themselves, collections are synchronised to, allowing you to easily maintain an organised set of favourites on and across multiple devices.

Collections have previously been available on web and Symbian versions of HERE Maps, but the categorisation / grouping element is new to the Windows Phone app. Favourites and collections can be managed either directly on the phone, or on


Within the app the previous list of favourites (accessed by pressing the favourites button on the toolbar) is replaced by a list of collections. Tapping on a collection name will take you to a list of favourites within that collection (i.e. think of it as favourites now being sorted into a browsable two level filing system). 

In most cases your existing favourites will be in the unsorted collection (created automatically). HERE Maps app also creates a meta-collection (recent), which will list places recently viewed using HERE Maps, regardless of whether you saved them as a favourite. Each collection (list of favourites) can be sorted by name, distance, city, and category. The second of these is arguably the most useful as it will show you the places near to you at the top of list, but each sort order has its own uses. 

Any existing favourite can be placed into one or more existing collection from its place page by tapping on manage collections. One a place has been placed in a collection the name of that collection is shown on the place page, below the manage collections link.


Grouping favourites into collections (e.g. for a specific place, such as London, or for a specific experience, such as Pubs) is worthwhile if you have lots of favourites in HERE Maps, as it helps you to find previsouly saved places more quickly. Collections can also be used as a way of seeing how a group of places relate to each other geographically; when viewing a collection the map view will show the location of the favourites in that collection.

Collections can also be created and managed on, using the collection side bar. You can also create and save routes, but these can not (currently) be synced back to the phone.

HERE Maps on

Windows Phone Store description:

No matter how you choose to travel, HERE Maps shows you the smartest way across town with fast, offline maps in 95 countries. With fast, offline maps in 95 countries, you can find your way even without a data connection. With new collections, you can now group, save and sync your favourites with And with LiveSight, HERE Maps brings the power of sight to your map. Hold up your phone to see floating labels on nearby places through your screen.

What's New

  • Organise your favourites into groups, sync them across your phone and and have these collections at your fingertips.

HERE Maps is a free download from the Windows Phone Store