Yahoo will not be updating Flickr for Windows Phone

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While Yahoo has been spending more time focusing on mobile, it looks like Windows Phone will not be part of that equation. Speaking to Alex Wilhelm (TechCrunch), a Yahoo Spokesperson said that "...we are focusing our mobile development efforts on iPhone and Android apps. ...we can confirm that we currently have no plans to update our Flickr Windows Phone app."

To be honest this isn't much of a surprise. While Flickr was one of the first apps to be released for Windows Phone 7 it never picked up any updates once the Lumia 800 handed the ecosystem a relatively decent camera. There's never been an update for Windows Phone 8 either, and with the increased camera technology this is a bit of a disappointment.

Yes the Windows Phone share is not as high as Android or iPhone, but it still is relatively open to have a solution to sharing high quality images from the handset with a community. Flickr is aiming to be that on other platforms, and Windows Phone could have been an easy win.

I suspect internal politics are more at play here than any other reason, but it means the third-party Flickr clients (such as Indulged and 2Flicka) have an empty field to play with.

 Indulged 2flicka
Indulged (l) and 2Flicka (r) are both alternative clients for Flickr on WP.

Source / Credit: Alex Wilhelm (TechCrunch)