myPhotoTools aimed as a DSLR hobbyist's companion

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However much you prize the always-with-you camera in your smartphone, for some people there will always be need for a full DSLR camera, for those arty shots that comprise a serious hobby or even a part-time profession. And with a DSLR come a certain number of basic calculations if you really want to understand the complex interplay of lenses, sensors, depth of field, focal length and aperture. Or so I'm told. Personally, I just take my Lumia 1020. But if you're an owner of a 'proper' camera then myPhotoTools, screenshotted below, is perhaps worth a look.

From the somewhat minimalist description in the Store:

Welcome to myPhoneTools: a pack of utilities for professional photography.

- Depth of field
- Hyperfocal
- Equivalent focal
- EV exposure

Here are screens of myPhotoTools in action:


Two of the four DSLR calculations demoed - the 'deer' photograph is animated nicely and interactively as you adjust the aperture and focal length sliders, to show depth of field. The other three calculations are kept strictly textual, but still useful. 

As you can tell from the screenshots, myPhotoTools picks up on your chosen Windows Phone theme colour and whether it's light or dark, which is a nice touch.

Comments welcome as to how relevant these calculations are for 'every day' DSLR use - surely most use is using 'smarts' in the camera these days? I'm guessing that the real target market is users experimenting with add-on lenses for the first time. 'Shooting' that deer, etc.?

You can buy or grab a trial version of myPhotoTools here in the Windows Phone Store. Yes, it's a commercial app, but quite well done and I imagine that, if you're in the market for something doing these calculations, that a quid or so for the utility is utter peanuts compared to the cost of your add-on pro lenses and bags...(!)

Source / Credit: Windows Phone Store