Not only is Baconit one of the leading Reddit clients on Windows Phone, it's one of the leading 'hobby' apps on the platform, showing off the Windows Phone Design language, internet connectivity, and also serves a very useful purpose. I also think that it's also a much nicer way to navigate Reddit than Reddit itself - your mileage will vary on that one.
The full change log is as follows:
- Main Landing
- Brand new start experience
- UI tweaking and polishing
- Many performance improvement
- Reddit View
- Hide all read stories
- Flip View
- Memory improvements!
- GIF loading times improved
- Speed and animation perf work.
- YouTube fix for 8.1
- Settings
- WP Lock screens new default lock screen subreddit
- Added Clear cache in settings under general
- Updated, cleaned up, etc.
- Backend
- Fixed https parsing bug
- Fixed CAPTCHA bug
- Fixed random reset bug
- Many random bugs
- Many random performance improvements
Baconit is available in three variants. The main version is Baconit, and is free to download. Baconit Donate has the same feature set as the first version, but allows you to pay for the app to 'donate' to the author. There is also an 'early access' version which acts as a beta version for the main app to test updates out.
Naturally Baconit has a subreddit page as well.