As commenters have pointed out, that a clone maker has bothered to even make this is a compliment. Here's my illustrated guide to the 'L1020 Mobile Phone'(!):
Something's not quite right here! Look at the details - 'flash' on the wrong side, three dots for 'wireless charging'. And neither of these are actually there! Note also the side button arrangement is different...
'Android' on a Nokia Lumia? Never!
Aha - the low screen resolution and 'Play Store' are huge giveaways...
The flash panels in this 'PureView' camera module are actually, from left to right: dummy, dummy, LED, dummy! And look how tiny the 'Carl Zeiss' lens is!
Note the smallish capacity battery, the tiny low-grade 3MP camera module and the microSD slot (though I'll bet it's limited to 32GB, which is the capacity of the real Lumia 1020....)
Ah yes, the manufacturer is 'MOBILE PHONE' - talk about prestige and brand recognition! Also note that it's 2G only....
The 'live tiles' aren't actually very live (though the clock is right, at least) and are mainly just block shortcuts to underlying Android applications....
Swiping right does give an application list, with a typical, no-frills Android app set, though without the alphabetic grid navigation in the real Windows Phone...
Some Android detective work reveals that this is L1020 has only 50MB or so of RAM free available out of the box, after booting, making it almost unusable - even as a no-frills Android device. This runs Android 4.1, by the way, but it's interminably slow, as you might expect...
Note also the custom UI, handily labelled "Windows Phone 8". I wonder if a 'Windows 10" app is being coded behind closed doors somewhere in China even as I write this?
The device also seemed to be dual SIM - whoopee!
Pretty ghastly, eh? I thought Lumia 1020 owners would be interested, at least, to see how their beloved imaging champion is being cloned. Warn your friends, eh?! ("Lumia 1020 for £20, guv?")