Teasing the Podcast Lounge UWP...

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I've already commented several times on the relative paucity of UWP podcatching applications, culminating in my review of the rather wonderful Grover Pro. But what of the competition? I currently have three of them installed and awaiting updates on my Lumias but none are really polished as yet. And now THE podcatching stalwart of the Windows Phone 8.1 world, Podcast Lounge, is in development too, I managed to get some pre-release screenshots of the UWP version, see below.

Podcast Lounge was created back in the very earliest days of Windows Phone and so its code and approach needed a bit of a rewrite for Windows 10 and the Universal Windows Platform. Igneous Software is right in the middle of this re-write, but it was demoed to me, working, and the company kindly shared some screenshots on both phone and desktop (this being a UWP):

Podcast Lounge UWP teaser screenshot

The familiar Podcast Lounge favourites grid, but in a UWP interface and (here) in light theme...

Podcast Lounge UWP teaser screenshot

The auto-playlists were a staple of Podcast Lounge, here's a basic Playlist screen in the UWP...

Podcast Lounge UWP teaser screenshot

Podcast Lounge UWP on the Windows 10 desktop, showing how the UI stretches/adapts...

Podcast Lounge UWP teaser screenshot

And again on the desktop, this time with a podcast playing and showing both the playback speed options and the combined controls and show notes...

I should emphasise that development of Podcast Lounge UWP isn't a full-time job for the developer and that it will be weeks, perhaps even months before we see a full release in the Windows 10 Store. But I was interested to get a sneak peek and I suspect you are too?