From the Store entry:
Yandex.Weather displays the weather in detail: both in hourly forecasts and for several days ahead.
- Add your favorite locations to a list to receive weather information on them like wind speed or wind direction.
- Pin your favorite location to the main screen to constantly see weather details such as atmospheric pressure and humidity.
- Tell Yandex about the weather near you – your information will help improve forecasts.
- Yandex.Weather will also tell you when the Sun rises and sets, as well as what's the current lunar phase of the Moon.
Everything is as advertised, happily. The presentation is bold and clear and the forecasts seem as accurate as from any other source:
Stylised forecasts, complete with current moon phases - tap on any day to expand it with quarterly (as in 6 hour periods) predictions - note also the sunrise and sunset times, plus humidity data, all displayed with admirable space even if I'd rather have had larger fonts and less space!
Turns out it's sunnier in LA, thousands of locations are available worldwide. Note the 'pin' control in the bottom bar, by the way, that's to get the current location into a live tile; (right) a reporting facility is built-in, though I'm sceptical - just how many users are going to actually feedback weather every hour in every location to make such submissions worthwhile? Weather is constantly changing and can surely only be handled by huge central automated prediction systems?
The bottom two live tiles are for Yandex.Weather, showing the two possible sizes, with the larger showing the next two 6 hour periods coming up. Although there's a live tile animation, it's not full working as yet and this is basically all you get - I'm sure updates will come; (right) '15 mins' is the quickest live tile update interval, but this is perfectly good enough for weather prediction.
As ever with UWPs, pictorial proof that this is Continuum-compatible, complete with rejigged hourly layout for the much wider monitor screen:
A decent UWP utility and very nice to have for free from Yandex. You can grab this for free here in the Store.