New on the '...' menu is 'Suggest change', replacing the old 'Send feedback' - as it happens the latter is still there, but two more specific options are pushed up on a little pop-up menu: 'A place is missing' and 'The map isn't accurate'.
I had two corrections to add/make in my own area, here's a quick walkthrough:
I tap on the '...' menu and then on 'Suggest change'; (right) I'm going to use 'A place is missing' first....
I'm asked to use my finger to pan the map around the central marker until it looks about where the new place is located, I tap on 'Set' and I'm into (right) a form to supply more details. Slightly oddly, despite having set the exact location, I'm still asked to fill in the 'Address or city' - maybe this is used to aid searches by others in the future?
Now, I'm going back to 'The map isn't accurate' - this time I pick a spot where the road and river meet - it's a ford and a known 'stay away' point for much of the year. So I'm reporting it here, I pan the map as needed around the marker and then submit an explanation of what's wrong. Then 'Submit' and I'm done!
A useful facility - though it does need human attention at Microsoft's end to approve and publish (or act on) each change - so don't expect an instant response by the Maps team. Still, I live in hope!
Why not get submitting details that are wrong or missing in your own neighbourhood?