Here's the official changelog:
- support closed caption (CC)
- option: fullscreen when turn the device to landscape mode.
- load vevo videos
- add suggestion section.
- support 60fps videos (for windows 10 device only)
- load subscriptions at start-up
Oddly, some of these items were already in place, notably the suggestions and subscriptions items, but the others are valid. The Vevo item was due to this was broken after VEVO DRM changes.
Here are a few illustrative screenshots:
Launching with some recent videos from my YouTube subscriptions...
And then YouTube 'Suggestions' are off on another pivot/tab...
Vevo music videos now play perfectly again - phew! And (ahem) without YouTube ads or pre-rolls. Don't tell Google or Vevo, eh?(!)
The 'CC' (Closed Captions) option was introduced in the previous version, but never worked properly - it now does. Just tap on 'CC' and pick the language needed and then YouTube's auto-transcription captions are displayed as the video plays....
... as shown here. YouTube's auto-transcription isn't quite 100%, but it's better than nothing if you don't speak the language of the presenter/video-blogger.
Support for landscape playback has made a big step forward in Perfect Tube. Firstly, the 'start in landscape' option now works properly - second you can switch automatically between portrait and landscape modes by just rotating the phone. Perfect Tube does seem over-sensitive to the accelerometer right now, so the slightest move from strict landscape switches the view back, but no doubt this can be tweaked in an update.
You can download Perfect Tube in the Store here. Comments welcome, this is still my YouTube client of choice on Windows 10 Mobile.