Good to see this rather excellent UWP application improved further. See also my full review here, here's a snippet:
If there's one gadget that has always typified a geek's household, it's a weather station. A sensor that sits outside the house, wired through somehow to a base station inside the house, displaying lots of current metrics about the weather. Pressure, temperature, rainfall, and so on. You may even already own one. But if you don't then did you know that for the less than the price of a cup of tea you can have access to more or less real time data from tens of thousands of domestic weather stations around the world? There's a good chance that you have several within a mile of your house!
Effectively, MeteoStation becomes a virtual weather station. Saving quite a bit of money and charging or cabling hassle. With the option of seeing what the weather's doing right across the world too.
MeteoStation uses the worldwide 'NetAtmo' network of measuring stations - if you do own a compatible weather station then you can also contribute your own property's weather conditions to the global mix.
MeteoStation can handle:
- Air temperature (°C)
- Humidity (%RH)
- Barometric pressure (hPa)
- Precipitation (mm)
- Wind (km/h)
Here's the official changelog for the new v17.2.1:
- Automatic refresh feature was added. This is useful e.g. when tablet is used as an NetAtmo weather station display or for another „always-on“ scenarios. Now, when the application is running in the foreground, the app will perform automatic data refresh in correct intervals so measurements are always up to date.
- Alternate station is used in the case there is no own station attached to NetAtmo account.
- Favorite stations are now alphabetically ordered.
- Small live-tile is now working correctly.
- Charts are by default locked (same behaviour like on Mobile). Double-click to unlock chart, then zoom or inspect. When zoomed, use double-click to reset zoom and to lock chart again.
- For better support and troubleshooting an activity logging feature was added.
- Russian translation was added.
You can grab or update MeteoStation here in the Store. Highly recommended if you're a weather fan or you just want to see how well a Windows 10 UWP app can be implemented.