From the Store Description:
CodeHub is the best GitHub client to keep up with the open source world. Check it out, I think you will love it :)
- Trending repositories
- News Feed
- Notifications
- View code with syntax highlighting (choose from 9 different styles)
- Create Issues
- Comment on Issues and Pull requests
- Search repositories, users, code and issues.
- Star, Watch and Fork repositories
- Follow people
CodeHub aims to do all those things that the GitHub Desktop app doesn't do. Our goal is to make an app for UWP which lets you keep up with the open source world on the go.
Here's CodeHub in action:
Authorising the app - '' though? Methinks someone forgot to change this text field! (right) CodeHub does everything right, including a dark theme by default. Note that ads are turned off by default but you can enable them to help support development (though wouldn't you also have to click on a few?)
Delving into a GitHub project, with a variety of documents and notes to read up...
Plus code itself, all navigable in a traditional coding hierarchy depending on the platform being targetted; (right) opening up one of the code modules - fascinating stuff if you're an up and coming programmer and want to see how other people implemented something specific!
Running here on a Continuum display, CodeHub behaves, rescales and reflows content immacuately. A model UWP application for Windows 10!
Recommended. You can grab CodeHub UWP here in the Store, for any Windows 10 Mobile-running handset.