Microsoft FINALLY fixes inverted Skype video for FFC!

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For the Fast ring Insiders anyway - the ring seems to be more and more a way to test application updates these days, rather than OS versions. This new version of Skype UWP will roll out to production phones soon enough, of course, but in the meantime I have screenshot proof that it works!

The changelog for version 12.13.274 is quoted as:

  • Fixed the bug that caused the recording of videos to be upside down with the front camera on Windows 10 Mobile
  • Improvements with collections
  • Minor corrections

So basically just the video thing, but that was a big deal, having plagued Skype video calls under W10M for many months. Here's before/after screenshot proof:


About blooming time. This has been one of THE most requested things for Microsoft to fix and it seems that they do still pay attention to what the likes of you and I put in the Feedback Hub. So keep reporting bugs and wishes in there! [Update, see the comments, it seems as if the BACK camera's broken now!]

This version of Skype - or a tweaked version of it - will be rolled out through the Store in a few weeks, no doubt. 

(Hat tip to MSPU for noticing first)