From the Store description:
Instabullet is unofficial Windows Phone PushBullet client. In comparison with other PushBullet clients it supports all available features supported by this platform.
- No problems with synchronizations in compare with other PushBullet clients. Devices, Contacts, Subscriptions and Pushes are always up-to-date!
- Supports push notifications.
- Supports adding, editing, deleting for Devices, Contacts, Subscriptions and Pushes.
- Supports searching channels and subscribing to them.
- Supports sending Pushes: Notes, Links, Addresses, Lists and all kind of files.
- Supports sending to all kind of destination types.
- Universal copy and paste feature.
- Supports theming - many themes to match user tastes.
- Supports replying to pushes.
- Supports checking channel pushes.
- Supports sharing pushes content from and to application.
- Hamburger menu provides fast navigation between pages.
- Clean UI.
- Gesture Driven.
- No Advertisements.
So think of Pushbullet as a pro-active universal cross-device clipboard on steroids. Some screenshots of Instabullet in action:
Pushing URLs is a common use, but contact records are another, here used somewhat innovatively...
Images too, plus web subscriptions, all available on any of your Pushbullet-signed-in devices.
There's a week's trial version of Instabullet free in the Store here, after that it's £1.19 in the UK. Seems like a great deal if you can see a way for Pushbullet to make a difference in your own set-up.