You know that 'step up' that you feel when you head to a strange city but know someone in it, who can give you the tips on where to stay, eat and visit? In other words, a bit of local knowledge. Cool Cousin is a world database (100+ cities at the moment) of such 'cool cousins' (ok, ok, 'hipsters', usually) and it's available in full PWA (Progressive Web Application) form, meaning that it's very accessible (though not available offline) for Windows 10 Mobile too, in the Edge browser.
Of course, you can turn this into an 'app' yourself with PAWA or just pin it 'as is' on your Start screen. It's up to you.
Here's Cool Cousin PWA in action (note that it's graphically rich, so do try to be on a good connection or decent Wifi, wherever you happen to be!):
A thoroughly modern PWA app for its web site - the hamburger menu is a little crude, but don't worry too much about this. Note that you can register to be a cousin yourself - I wonder what the criteria for being accepted are?
Lush photography at every turn, with 'professional' photographers backing up 'cousin' recommendations... Just drill down from the city of interest and follow your nose to see what a particular cousing has to say!
You can sign in to get a degree of consistency across devices, though this isn't really needed on Windows 10 Mobile and Edge, I think; (right) drilling down to a beachside dessert paradise in Rio, recommended by Leonardo!!
Tap through to get the full details/write-up, including contact, web and opening times, etc.