Microsoft To-Do gets Planned view and weekly fixes

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Microsoft To-Do is a fabulous UWP application for phone, tablet and desktop - and beyond. It's being updated every week now(!) and today's update, v1.41, brings a new 'Planned' view, to encompass stuff that's scheduled and yet to be done.


Here's the official changelog since the previous version from last week:

  • Introduced the Planned section: The new Planned section will show all activities with a reminder or planned deadline.
  • New settings icon
  • New link to Pen Settings
  • Corrections and improvements

Here's the new version of To-Do in action on my Lumia 950 XL:


You can grab Microsoft To-Do here in the Store, if you haven't already. As mentioned before, this is shaping up to be an attractive and pretty powerful tool/service, syncing on multiple devices and platforms, and I'll be diving into more depth with it in due course.

Source / Credit: Store