Here's what's new, for v1.3.0, since the last time we featured Winsta UWP, back in January:
- Added support for positives in live playback
- Added support for answering story questions
- Added font and text color to text stories
- Added hide button for dialogs
- Fixed a bug that prevents uploading photos to feed
- Fixed copy profile URL bug
- Added support to see story viewers (your own stories)
- Added support for IGTV shares on user feed
- Added swipe gestures to story view.
- Find new contacts using Settings -> Find contacts and syncing your contacts with Instagram.
- Fixed Live playback usernames issues.
- Fixed a bug wich doesn't load more than 2-3 comments.
- Added support for story upload (Image only)
- Fixed of getting own followers and followings
- Fixed of opening note to self in directs
I don't trust myself to provide more screens of this in action, unusually - I just don't 'get' Instagram stories, I don't 'get' IGTV. I'm sorry, everything about Instagram leaves me cold. I try things, they don't work, and I've zero idea whether it's me, Instagram, or Winsta (probably me!) But don't let that influence you, since Winsta UWP is slick and improving all the time.
As I stated before, Winsta UWP is highly recommended. There's a lot to like about Winsta's speed and UI, it's a breath of fresh air - you can directly encourage the developer by buying Winsta, since it's a couple of quid in the Microsoft Store (and on offer at the moment). Go on, if you want to see this updated further, buy the developer a cup of coffee in this way...