Magical, Flippable, and so forth: Surface Duo (naturally)

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The Surface Duo (Surface Phone) continues to grab deadlines, not least because it's available tomorrow in the USA (only). The latest bling from this direction is a TikTok-style video promo, featuring several sleight of hand magic tricks and general 'wow' fast editing. Effective and a counterpoint to the more 'boring' productivity boost videos, I guess. It's embedded below for your enjoyment.

The video is from the @surface Twitter account. As usual, start playing and then maximise for best effect:

Pretty cool. Part of me wants to try the Surface Duo so badly, for the unique two-screen workflow. The other half says not to be silly, you can't get it outside the USA yet and besides it's a lot of money for an Android device with underwhelming specifications. Still, we should have actual reviews to link to tomorrow, since the original Duo review seeded devices have their NDAs expire. I'll round up the best video reviews then.