Why does the Surface Duo 2 exist? A new chat series...

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Brett and Mathew Gilbertson, Australian tech experts and Microsoft MVPs, also known on YouTube as 'oztabletpc', have started what will hopefully be a full series of chat videos based around the Surface Duo 2, with plenty of generic Microsoft and legacy name checks along the way, including for Lumias. I should note that the format is 99% chat and that you're looking at the best part of half an hour per episode, so you can leave it playing while you get on with something else, much like an audio podcast. But the content is good and both Brett and Matthew seem to 'get' the Duo form factor and purpose. 

Here's the first video, anyway:

You can subscribe to their channel here..

The titular question is a good one, but I wholeheartedly endorse the idea that a Surface Duo is something very different to the monoblock smartphone and deserves consideration for anyone feeling limited by a single, thin 6.x"-screened phone and not wanting to go down the route of fragile plastic folding displays.

Source / Credit: YouTube