Ewan takes the Lumia 620 to SXSW: Part 4

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I'm back home from Austin and the SXSW Conference, and it's time to look back at how well the Lumia 620 performed. If you've been following these video diaries then you'll know that I've been enjoying my time with the budget handset, and it will be no surprise that I'm going to be recommending it, but what strengths and weaknesses have I found?

I'm going to look at this from three angles, and pick out three items in each section.

First up will be three applications that proved their worth during SXSW. Even thought the perceived strength of many smartphones is measured by the number of third party apps, there are still some gems in the built-in apps, as well as the additional services provided by Microsoft for the platform.

Next are three observations where the Lumia 620 really does stand out. These might be personal points, but I'm looking at the impact of the 620 in the marketplace.

Finally, what's wrong with the diminutive Windows Phone 8 handset? There are compromises to get the price point that Nokia have achieved, can I live with those? More to the point, there are still some issues with Windows Phone as an OS that would make me hesitate as a consumer.

I'll have a full write up of the Lumia 620 in the near future here on All About Windows Phone, but feel free to ask questions in the comments.