Pictures Lab updated, now supports the 256MB Windows Phone specs

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Rene Schulte's picture editing application 'Pictures Lab' has been updated to version 4.7. With new picture borders to choose from, and Facebook Places support, it's great to see Schulte continue to support the app. More importantly, he has been working on the code and is able to make Pictures Lab available for the lower specced 256 MB devices such as the upcoming Nokia Lumia 610.

Pictures Lab

From the app directory listing:

It is also possible to crop, rotate and flip images. An enhanced picture and the EXIF data can be saved to the phone’s pictures hub or shared directly on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. The app performs the image processing on the original picture in its original resolution, thus making it also possible to print the image or use it as desktop wallpaper.

Pictures Lab

We reviewed Pictures Lab at the end of 2011, and loved what was on offer:

It's a simple to use application, but the results are stunning. If you want a quick tweak, you can. If you want to spend more time sorting colour levels, sharpness, depth of field effects, and other esoteric subjects, then Pictures Lab will let you throw that challenge at it, and it will deal with it swiftly, smartly, and superbly. Very, very much recommended.

And now it's a little bit better. What more could you want? Pictures Lab is well supported, treats your pictures with care, and is fun to use.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory