Improved Google Analytics with In The Know

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One of my favourite live tiles while I was on Eurovision duty at the end of May was from the Google Analytics client In The Know. Coded by Doug Rathbone, this allows anyone who runs Google Analytics to log in once and have all their traffic information close at hand either in the application, or through pinning a single site to your homescreen as a Live Tile.

The latest version of the application, v1.14.0.0, has tweaked the login process that was stopping a number of Google accounts from logging in with the application.

In the Know, google Analytics for Windows Phone In the Know, google Analytics for Windows Phone

AAWP reviewed In The Know earlier this year, where I talked about the live tile abilities:

Most people like to keep an eye on traffic to their sites, but it's rather like watching a pot of never boiling water. InTheKnow allows you to pin the website stats to your home screen, with visitors, page views, and trends on one tile, with the bounce rate and average length of a visit on the other. You can pin more than one site, or the same site twice with different date ranges (stats for today, and stats for the week, for example). And you will get a little bit of boiling down, as live tiles will only update every thirty minutes, which is enough time for them to go up (or down).

You can pick up a seven day trial of In The Know via the AAWP App Directory.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory