Portable charger recommendations

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Even though batteries are getting larger, so are the demands being put upon them by smartphones. One of the solutions to keeping your smartphone charged while away from a mains socket is to use a portable charger - i.e. an external battery pack. The Register has written a round up of their ten favourite portable chargers. It's an interesting line-up - I did not know there were so many varients on the Nokia DC-16 theme (or that the DC-16 was a variation on an existing design). The highlight of the list, though, is the Energenie Chargegenie 200 which has a 20,000 mAh capacity - amazing.

Energenie Chargegenie 200

The Energenie Chargegenie 200 - excuse me while I visit my Amazon Wishlist!

Surprisingly, the list didn't include any of Proporta's portable chargers which are a well known brand in the land of mobile-tech-geeks. Fortunately, we've reviewed several of those models, so before you check out El Reg's list, have a read through our portable charger reviews:

Source / Credit: RegHardware