From the review:
Some of the features that I really like about the Windows phone like the integration with the Social networks are still here. I guess that’s one of the greatest features of the Windows Phone. Nokia Maps and Nokia Drive are still here. It’s very usable and you can use it for offline navigation (that’s the number one in my list on why I really love to have this phone).
Oh and there are some exclusive apps on the Nokia marketplace that are only available for the Nokia Lumias like the camera extras in where you can use panorama and some other cool stuffs in your camera. Pretty cool apps. Too bad there are some popular apps that are still missing in the Windows phone like Instagram and some popular games.
Rob Brand also took the Lumia 610 out for a spin recently for AAWP (A week with the Nokia Lumia 610), and it's interesting to see where everyone agrees - the styling of the 610, the trade-off in the screen colour depth, and third party app compatibility (the Lumia 610 is a Tango device). While all the press are looking at the new Windows Phone 8 handsets, it's devices such as the Lumia 610 which are building up a strong customer base for Nokia to build on.
You can read Ancheta's full review at Jam Online.