More from Mashable's Ten Days With a Lumia 920

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As we reported previously, Mahsable's Christina Warren has put away her iPhone 5 for ten days to try out the Lumia 920. Over the weekened shes been looking at the situation around apps, and having fun with the battery.

For this dispatch, I wanted to focus on some of my favorite Windows Phone apps that I’ve discovered through this process. While I touched on apps in an earlier post, it’s a topic that is worth revisiting. The Windows Phone app story is quickly improving. If I compare the landscape to even six or eight months ago, the number of big name apps on the platform has expanded and third-parties are stepping in to fill out the missing gaps. Aside from Instagram and Hulu Plus, most of my “must-have” apps are on the platform — and if they aren’t, an alternative is available.

You can follow the last few days of Warren's adventures with the phone over on Mashable, and we're expecting her summary article on the whole experience in the near future.

Source / Credit: Christina Warren (Mashable)