Weave News Reader updated for Windows Phone 8

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Windows Phone 8 users looking for a news reader application on their smartphones might want to consider Weave, which has just been updated for the latest version of Microsoft's mobile operating system.

 Weave (WP8)Weave (WP8)  

Weave was reviewed earlier in 2012, and the AAWP found a competent app that was slightly restricted in the content it could display:

Weave feels like it is almost there, but it needs a bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care). The mechanics, the code, the process, that all works. But its beauty and elegance needs some work. If the developers can focus on the presentation and sweat the pixels of the app, then Weave could have a long and glorious future on Windows Phone. I'm keeping it on my phone, but I'm pretty technical. Weave needs to be more accessible for the general market, and I hope the developers continue to iterate the code...

The good news is that the developers did continue to iterate and update Weave. That process has continued with the release of Windows Phone 8, and the News Reader app is available on the latest handsets.

You can pick up your copy of the app through the Windows Store, or via the AAWP App Directory.

Source / Credit: AAWP App Directory