Ewan recently reviewed the game, in its Windows Phone 7.5 incarnation, and found a promising Xbox Live title:
This is not quite a '90% score' game, trivia is still a niche genre and not to everyone's tastes, but I'm struggling to find a flaw with the actual game. A turn by turn multiplayer through the Xbox Live arena might be a nice option, but it would only be a cherry on top of a damn fine game.
Damn fine game... let's go with that.
One particular highlight was the inclusion of the additional pursuit game mode:
Throwing out the paradigm of the classic wheel and spokes board, pursuit mode challenges the single player to race along a maze of question tiles (generally continuing to move from bottom left to top right in an isometric view, and different on each level) to reach an exit tile at the far end and successfully answer one last question.
It's against the clock, with a faster answer rewarding you with a higher number of moves to reach the next tile (represented by a dice counting down from six to one). The questions are the same, but now you have only a limited number of them to get to the end and win a gold medal.
It's an almost completely different game to the classic mode, it's fast and exciting, it keeps the pressure on the player right until the very last question, it has a huge amount of replay-ability...
You can read the full review here.
Windows Phone Store description:
BE A KNOW-IT-ALL ON YOUR WINDOWS PHONE! What are the 4 Hs in 4H? Do you know where Mt. Kilimanjaro is? With loads of questions, you’re bound to be a TRIVIAL PURSUIT master after a few hundred rounds!
Trivial Pursuit can be downloaded from the Windows Phone Store.
Via: WMPowerUser