In advance of tomorrow's Nokia event, @evleaks has posted two images to Twitter of what is described as the Nokia Lumia 925. The images, which appear to be leaks of press images, show a Lumia Windows Phone device with a unibody metallic casing, in line with Nokia's own teaser video. Small plastic insertions, at the top and bottom of both sides of the pictured device, provide supporting evidence for the use of a metallic unibody. Such insertions are typically needed in phones with predominantly metallic casing so that radio signals can propagate to the internal aerials.
One of the pictures also shows the device's Start Screen featuring a number of Live Tiles. Most of these are for known existing apps, but one, Nokia Smart Cam, is for an app that is currently not available. UnleashThePhones reported on the upcoming availability of this app in April, noting that the app would provide options to allow the user to "control shutter speed, manual white balance, and other advanced camera options".
Nokia Smart Cam is likely to be made available as a Windows Phone Lens app, accessibly from within the default Camera app or the standard app launcher. It may also be used to provide additional functionality, such as a self-timer mode, and to consolidate access to Nokia's other Lens app.
While the leaked images are, in our judgement, almost certainly genuine, and come from a source with a good track record, they should be treated as unconfirmed until the formal launch announcement is made by Nokia tomorrow morning.
The source for the two images can be found in two tweets by the @evleaks account: