(Update) N.O.V.A. 3 is released for Xbox Live

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[Update] N.O.V.A. is available in two variants, a free version badged as 'Nokia' for their Indian customers, and a Gameloft version available for everyone else. Nokia have brought another gaming franchise to Windows Phone Lumia handsets with today's release of N.O.V.A. 3. Gameloft's first person futuristic franchise has graced a number of platforms, now it's the turn of Xbox Live.

N.O.V.A. of course stands for the Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance, one of those in-game corporations that presumably decided on their acronym first and then worked out a cool name. No matter, this is the team that runs around saving humanity from the xenos.

N.O.V.A. 3 advances the in-world story. Originally the human race moved off the surface of the Earth to giant space stations, and N.O.V.A. were the defence force. Now in this first person shooter, you can work through your part in the story of humanity's return to their cradle... the planet Earth.

N.O.V.A. 3

From the app directory features list:

  • An epic storyline: Humanity finally returns to Earth after years of exile! Fight in 10 immersive levels across the galaxy, from a war-torn Earth to a frozen Volterite city.
  • Multiple weapons and powers: Run, shoot, drive vehicles, and pilot a mech to defeat hordes of enemies.
  • Join 12-player battles in 7 multiplayer modes (Capture the Point, Free-for-All, Capture the Flag, etc.) on 7 different maps.
  • Use Voice Chat to communicate with your friends in real time!
  • For the first time, multiple allies can jump inside the same vehicle and spread destruction on the battlefield.N.O.V.A. 3 hits Windows Phone with a full-fledged Xbox LIVE experience to maximize your fun
  • Unlock 20 exclusive new Achievements in both Single Player and Multiplayer modes.

The control system feels very much like that found in Modern Combat 4, released on Xbox Live earlier this year and also from Gameloft.

N.O.V.A. 3

Do note that this is a big download (just over a gigabyte of data) so you'll need a lot of storage space to unpack and install the title. The first level is available as a free trial, and looking at the features list there's a lot of value in here for the £5.49 / $6.99 price.


Two versions are available. One is for Nokia's Indian customers and is a free download for the whole game, while everyone else can pick up the regular full price version.

Source / Credit: Find it in the AAWP App Directory