Twitter app adds tweet translation in minor version 2.2 update

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Twitter has updated its Windows Phone app is to version 2.2.0, adding the ability to translate foreign language tweets to your native language and fixing a number of bugs. The update is a relatively minor one, especially compared the the updated that was released at the beginning of June and added support for image filters and Windows Phone Lens camera integration functionality, but is useful for those that follow users who tweet in multiple languages.

Twitter has not specified the bug fixes included in the update, but the Lens integration performance does appear to have been improved. While the Twitter app did previously support the tweeting of photos, the addition of Lens integration provides a more fluid photo capture and tweet experience, something that should encourage more additional social photo sharing.


Twitter users on Windows Phone are also settling into the new app design that debuted in the version 2.0 update. The design shares common elements with the Twitter web experience and Twitter's mobile apps on other platforms, and moves away from the previous Windows Phone panorama and pivot template model. However, its relative minimalism and purpose based design remains in line with the principles of Modern design that underline the design language of Windows Phone.

Windows Phone Store description:

Twitter is your global town square, a real-time connection to what’s happening in the world. Follow people you know and people you’d like to know. Search and discover. Browse and enjoy! 

New features:

  • See translations of foreign language Tweets to your preferred language
  • Various bug fixes

Twitter is a free download from the Windows Phone Store.