Bing Weather, which was first released at the begining of August this year, previsouly only support the small and standard Live Tile size. Double-wide Live Tiles show the current (today's) forecast on one side of the tile, and a forecast for the next five days on the flip side of the tile. Where available, an image for the location is used for the background on the front side of the Live Tile.
Bing Weather's lockscreen integration displays weather information for your home location in the form of basic weather details (current temperature, max/min temperature, and weather description) overlaid on a weather related image.
The mountain information, available for winter ski resorts, adds an additional page to to the location pivot view. This displays information about the mountain at the specified location, including summit height, details of open lifts and trails, trail maps, and a breakdown of the types of trails (beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert). With winter arriving in the northern hemisphere this addition to the app is ideal for those looking to make a quick get away for a weekend of skiing.
Windows Phone Store description:
The Bing Weather app helps you prepare for the latest conditions with hourly, daily and 10-day forecasts. Designed for Windows Phone, the Weather App features beautiful weather images and maps, easily customized to track conditions for the places you care about. Catch the forecast on your Live Tile, check radar maps and view historical details so you’re always aware of weather on the way. Note: Some features may not be available in all markets.
Bing Weather is a free download from the Windows Phone Store. It is only available for Windows Phone 8.