Stunning Sozoom examples show off Nokia Lumia 1020 sensor

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I've said some very nice things about the little Sozoom utility for Windows Phone that shows up, in dramatic detail, just how good the sensor is on the Lumia 1020, showing the detail that can be cropped/zoomed into. Here on Twitter (of all places) I found 'AnMobile', a guy living in Finland with a few dramatic examples of Sozoom and the 1020 in tandem. 

These are from AnMobile's Twitter feed. Here's an unassuming sunset skyline. Nice photo, eh?

Sunset skyline

But look what Sozoom has found in the distance, around a quarter of a mile away:

Skyline detail

Yes, yes, it's a silhouette of a man. But it's clear as day and almost invisible in the overview photo. At this distance, every other camera phone on the market would have such detail as a couple of fuzzy pixels - the 1020 even allows you to see the man's pose/attitude.

Here's another great example, look at this Sozoom-demoed detail:

Buillding detail

Even harder to photograph is the moon, as I found out in the past. Here's AnMobile's Sozoom attempt on the 1020:

Moon detail

Great examples and I can't wait to see what other Sozoom examples AnMobile comes up with next.

You can buy Sozoom here in the Windows Phone Store, for less than a pound, Euro or dollar, on your Lumia 1520 or 1020 if you want to play with the underlying detail in your own photos.

Source / Credit: Twitter