Xbox Video gets speed-up and search improvements

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Last covered here, for an update exactly a month ago, Xbox Video continues to improve, as a separate Store application, with a changelog helpfully supplied by the dev team over on the User Voice site. Highly recommended for all users of Windows Phone 8.1.

From the official page for Xbox Video on the User Voice site:

This update (version on Windows Phone 8 and on Windows Phone 8.1) includes:
  • Faster app startup and faster playback for streaming, downloaded and personal video
  • More informative error messages for geofencing and download limit issues
  • Improved search results
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I'm a little confused at the WP8 reference, since it was only for 8.1 that Xbox Video was spun out as a separate application. Can anyone clarify this?

In the meantime, the new version seems to work quickly and smoothly. I tried buying a TV programme - expensive when bought this way, but hey, this was the first episode of a 60's classic that I hadn't seen since I was a young boy(!):

Screenshot, Xbox VideoScreenshot, Xbox VideoScreenshot, Xbox VideoScreenshot, Xbox Video

Resuming a previously streamed video resulted in a three second wait, but then I was part way through an Internet-streamed broadcast, so this is probably fair enough. Resumption of playback from local videos on the phone were much, much quicker.

A couple of things I miss from Xbox Video:

  • a 'home' control - having to step back seven times to get back to the home screen from some deep content can be a bit tiresome.
  • no 'free' content listed. Surely, amidst the thousands of commercial titles, there must be SOME free content - even Microsoft tutorials or licensed YouTube content - anything. If only to reassure people as to how the streaming/watching process should work.

Content, in general, seemed to be quite expensive, especially in a world where Netflix, Amazon Instant Video and other 'all you can watch' services are only about £7 a month. I do think the Xbox content team needs to rethink some of its deals.

You can update Xbox Video in the Store here.

Source / Credit: User Voice