Why HP needs to add a system-wide EQ, Lumia-style, to the Elite X3

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You'll remember how I told how to massively improve the fidelity of the Lumia 950 XL speaker through fiddling with the system Equaliser setting? Well, I was bemoaning the lack of this on the Elite X3 here and the whole subject reared its ugly head after testing the Blackberry DTEK60 with not dissimilar stereo speakers. Have a watch of the video embedded below.

You'll want to put on headphones or turn up your quality speakers perhaps, in order to tell the difference between the audio playback.

Your comments welcome! And if anyone involved in HP's Elite X3 development is reading this then grab Microsoft's Equaliser code and add it to your OS builds as soon as possible, please. Microsoft already solved this audio problem, just copy and paste the code.

PS. If anyone's curious as to the music being demoed, it's Melanie C's excellent 'The Sea' album.