Sacha says:
Loving my Lumia 930 running Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update.I followed the step by step guide from +Steve Litchfield on +All About Windows Phone and it is working beautiful and no issues at all and the battery standby is just amazing compared to WP 8.1 Update 1. If you have a Lumia 930, I would highly suggest you go this route. I actually don't have the infamous mic issue. All the 4 mics are working perfectly on mine yet I have the hardware revision I guess I am lucky.
And fellow geek Stuart Cutts piped up with:
Very much agree, it's the first time under Windows 10 that the software simply/actually works. I tried W10 on the 930 back end of 2016 and it didn't work well so I rolled back to 8.1 and it was great.
Given the price you should be able to get a good second hand one for, (I paid £75 in August 2016) for me there is good value in this device. I wouldn't want to pay more than that for a Windows phone.
I'm glad to have helped, Sacha - in some ways the Lumia 930 is the class act of the Windows 10 Mobile era, despite being born in the 8.1 timespan. The camera's not the very best, nor the processor, and Glance is missing, as mentioned above. Plus intensive games do cause alarming heat sinking issues. But the feel in the hand, the metal, the utterly gorgeous 2.5D AMOLED screen, all still appeal in a big way.
At least I'm not alone in this opinion!