Song Search PWA finds ANY lyric

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That moment when you remember a bit of a lyric but can't remember what song it's from? Or perhaps you're in a noisy bar and hear a few words of a song you like but a song-recognition service won't work because of the ambient bustle? Regardless, bookmark this new PWA and you can find any song ever written...

From the (super short) Appscope listing:

Find songs by lyrics.

The URL to tap on or type in is .

Of course, you can turn this into an 'app' yourself with PAWA or just pin it 'as is' on your Start screen. Or just add it as a 'Favourite'. It's up to you. If you're confused by the different PWA options then check out my feature here.

Here's Song Search PWA in action:


Just type in a lyric fragment from the most obscure song ever and... bang, it's found; (right) one of my favourites and it's another easy match.


Tap on the match and you get album art and a full lyric sheet...


You can also search by artist if that helps, for example if you only have a word or two... And apologies for Slade's spelling, but it does show off the excellent fuzzy search here!

Source / Credit: Appscope