Recent Flow
Week 05
Week 04
Nokia's Damian Dinning on the N95, N8, 808 and 1020
Twitter (PWA) gets UI refresh, larger topic pills, and more...
Lumia 950 XL into NexDock Touch DOES go!
James Bond to break out the Lumia 1020??
20 tips to increase PC performance on Windows 10
Windows Phone 8.1 handsets get a huge HERE Maps offline maps update
Windows 10X on the Lumia 950 XL - again (video!)
Week 03
Windows 10X on the venerable Lumia 950 XL?
Chrome 88 now available - no Flash, better security
Week 02
All About... the Surface Pro 7+
Link of Interest, Video, Hardware:
Samsung's new S21 line-up unveiled
Link of Interest, Video, Industry:
Back to the beginning. Or at least 2006, in video form...
Week 01
5G for the masses with the Snapdragon 480
Recalling the Lumia 1020 - Apple ProRAW imaging compared
Week 53
Link of Interest, Analysis, Platform:
Windows 10 in 2021 (wish list)
The future of phone batteries will... still be Li-Ion
AI improves night-shot video? Xiaomi launches the Mi 11...
Week 52
Microsoft's Seeing AI embraces LiDAR and Spatial Audio
Week 51
The Surface Duo officially headed to Europe (and the UK)
Next up... the Lumia 1020 trounces the iPhone 12 Pro Max?!
Week 50
Surface Duo verdict - 3 months on
Life after Lumias - the video edition, for Christmas 2020
Link of Interest, Hardware, Industry:
The EU votes to support 'Right to Repair'
Link of Interest, Apps, Services, Platform:
Apple Maps? Pah - no, Windows 10 Maps and a Lumia!
Week 49
NexDock Touch review - the video version
The Snapdragon 888 debuts
How to: carry on playing 'Chess Online'
Week 48
Just in case you were wondering: Lumias on the Apple MagSafe Qi pads...
Away from imaging, the iPhone 12 Pro Max wins on the display front
Microsoft Lists is now available within Microsoft 365
Did the Nokia N97 help kill Nokia?
Link of Interest, Hardware, Unconfirmed:
The phablet industry swivels slightly, no more Samsung Galaxy Notes
Week 47
Halide developer's expert view of iPhone 12 Pro Max imaging
Link of Interest, Hardware, Industry, Platform: