The full changelog, since the last update, is:
- Few more tweaks to notifications and live tiles, making them a bit more reliable.
- Added a new setting to show the 'default AAWP icon tile' during the live tile cycle. This setting is enabled by default.
- Added a 'back to top' button on the article pages.
- Article images now fade-in once they're loaded.
- Some articles are now 'special' articles - these are handled a little bit differently to normal articles. There are only two of these 'special' articles at the moment and these are the app/game directory listing articles. Special articles are shown on the favourites page (in a new pivot/tab), but will also show when you navigate to either of them normally.
- Viewing either of the app/game directory listing articles now has the directory extracted and displayed separately in a new tab. Each app/game directory can also be filtered.
- I have also added a feedback option on the Help & About page. This is only shown on versions of W10 that support this (Anniversary Update onwards). However, you can still leave feedback via the Windows Feedback App on earlier version of W10 for this AAWP app - so please do! :)
- Removed article resizing from article page - it was causing too many issues/crashes and have just decided to remove it for now. You can still set the article text size from the settings page.
- And loads more of the usual little tweaks and improvements.
You can grab 'AAWP Universal' from the Store here, it's a free download.
Here's the new v1.2.4.0 in action:
Notice that this 'special' article cuts off - because all the 'directory' information has been parsed into a new pivot/tab, marked 'directory'! Note also the 'to the top' blue control, bottom right - this should be helpful on longer features.
Although my nice header graphics have been lost (Joe?!), every entry in the directory is still nicely hyperlinked, either to a local review or feature on the site (the white links) or to a Store/web URL (the grey links).
You can navigate quickly around a directory by tapping on any of the genre/category titles, this collapses the directory as shown above!
New live tile options, as promised!
Why not add your own rating of 'AAWP Universal' in the Store and leave a text review? It all helps discoverability!
You can update the AAWP Universal app in the Store in the usual way. Do note that, as usual, app descriptions and changelogs in the Store itself are up to 12 hours out of date. I do wish Microsoft would fix this....
PS. The aforementioned directories are here, by the way. Games. And Apps!
PPS. By the way, aside from Rafe being in the podcasts, virtually all the content for AAWP is now being written by me, as you've probably gathered. I/we'd love to have some more guest articles, especially over the summer, so do please get in touch if there's a topic, device or application that you feel strongly about. You can reach me at .