Mid-June updates to our Applications and Games directories

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With regard our 'Apps & Games' page, every few weeks I go through the UWP applications covered here, and then try out and add any suggestions from the directory comments. So, with an update for mid June 2017, here are the very best general applications (3 new entries), best camera/media apps (2 new entries) and best games (6 new entries), for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 10 Mobile. Keep them bookmarked and you'll always have them ready for quick reference!

General apps

Photo/Media apps


At some point it may be worth me splitting out UWP applications that are designed for Windows 10 and thus work across all form factors, but we haven't got that point just yet. There are still plenty of 'old' (Silverlight-based) Windows Phone 8 apps and games that are still well worth installing.

For suggestions on new apps and games to include, please use the existing comment threads under each directory page. Thanks.