The search for a good Windows 10 Mobile podcatcher: call for data points!

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Back in the mists of time (2014) I created a massive round-up of podcatchers, i.e. podcast-grabbing applications for Windows Phone. I'm not even going to link to this here because it's now so out of date, but now that Windows 10 Mobile is well and truly out for most people, I thought a look at each of the 2016 contenders was in order. Well, that's the plan, over the next few weeks. Alas, I hit a few roadblocks, which is why I'm starting this series with a call for data points from you, the AAWP community - what are you using on Windows 10 Mobile?

Now, it's true that Windows Phone 8.1 applications still work on Windows 10 Mobile - and this includes most of the original podcatchers. But what I'm looking for here are applications which have been just as much optimised for the new OS and UI facelift as the old 8.1 style. Perhaps implemented as a UWP, perhaps just finely tuned. But either way still being updated and not part of what might be termed 'abandonware'.

So I'm starting from scratch with this podcatcher round-up - I'm even happy for podcatcher developer to get in touch directly and fill me in with their plans.

In preparing for this series, I've been trying the new BringCast 4 UWP and the equally new updates for Cast (also a UWP):


BringCast's interface is as big and bold as ever - but it's currently in beta and rather buggy...


Cast is one of the newer Windows 10 Mobile podcatchers, with a modern UI and fully universal, but it also is buggy and I could neither get my existing subscriptions imported or find most of the podcasts I wanted in its current directory; (right) the familiar and also buggy Pocket Casts. This just sulks several times a day and refuses to play (as here, with animated dots) or the UI goes haywire and part of the screen is blank. Harumph.

Plus the old favourites, Pocket Casts (buggy but does sync to the same app's status on other platforms) and Microsoft's own Podcasts (still unashamedly WP8.1 in interface and doesn't even stretch to fill the Windows 10 Mobile UI, plus it's very weak in terms of views and keeps failing me under 'Redstone'). And there's Podcast Lounge, of which I don't think I'm giving away any secrets when I say that it's undergoing something of a rewrite.

So, having been stymied in my attempts to kick off this new series with a full review because there's, quite literally, nothing that's remotely good enough right now that fits my criteria, it's over to you. If you've been using Windows 10 Mobile in one shape or another for months, please do share in the comments below which podcatcher you've settled on:

  • How stable is it?
  • How reliably does it 'catch' podcasts in the background?
  • Ho often is it updated?
  • Is it scaleable via Continuum?

Based on your responses, I'll know where to start the AAWP review series in earnest, before delivering a verdict and overall winner over the UK summer.