Here's what's new for myTube! UWP for Windows 10 Mobile since the previous story:
- Redesigned the donation flyout
- Added monthly donations alongside one-time donations
- Added custom color scheme builder as a reward for monthly donations
- Changed sync enforcement rules so the video changes speeds less aggressively when out of sync with the audio
- Reduced sync enforcement threshold, so audio and video should remain a bit more tightly in sync
- New buffering UI overlay on player controls to make the buffering state more obvious (only appears if the video has been buffering for 3 seconds or longer)
- Fixed issue that sometimes caused the video player to be in the wrong position at launch
- Fixed translation issue on download flyout with the string specifying that the video can only be played in myTube
- Fixed issue where the actual playback rate reset to 1 with each new video, despite the UI showing otherwise
- Fixed issue where , >, and < could appear in subtitles undecoded
- (Anniversary Update+) Changed how the video player is repositioned around the UI, so the player changes positions more quickly and smoothly
- (Fall Creators Update+) Added VP9 playback option to playback settings, disabled by default (except on Xbox One X) and must be enabled to get qualities above 1080p
- Added 'Copy link' menu item to channel page app bar
- Improved performance on Subscribed To page by drawing blurred backgrounds one by one
- Returned toggle to sync subscriptions to contacts in settings
- Comment text is now selectable
- URL and timecode parsing added to comments
- Double tapping or clicking the left or right edge of the video will jump forward or backward by 10 seconds
- Added animated icon to tap/double tap actions on video player (pause, fullscreen, etc.)
Here's the new version in action, though note that many of the above items aren't actually able to be captured in static screenshots(!):
New monthly donation options, which unlock a custom theme system and upload notifications. I do think that asking $20 a month from individual users is a little far-reaching though! Still, if enough people donated $1 a month, the system might work for the developer.... (right) all the usual resolution and speed options - which now work more reliably in terms of sync.
Within a channel's page, there's now a 'Copy link' function, to copy this URL for use in an email or social post; (right) 'Sync subscriptions with contacts' - I'm still not exactly sure what this does - can anyone enlighten me in the comments?
When watching a video, and mimicking the official YouTube client on Android, double tapping on left or right of the frame delivers + (or -) 10 seconds on the timeline, along with this visual confirmation...
Another good upgrade to a useful Windows 10 UWP application, you can buy it here in the Store (it's only a dollar or local equivalent, and actually free for the next couple of days, if you're quick!) Yes, it's a blow to not have an official YouTube client from Google for the Windows 10 platform, but hopefully all users will find this (or one of the other top titles like Awesome Tube or Perfect Tube) quickly in the Store, making any omission somewhat moot.