AAWP Wins Nokia's App March Madness Contest

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Thanks to our readers the AAWP has won Nokia Conversation's App March Madness competition, earning eternal glory and a snazzy gold medal graphic. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who voted for the app through the various rounds of the competition.

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March App Madness 2013

The AAWP app was up against some tough competition throughout the contest. Our opening round was against Gas Buddy, and the percentage victory was 68% to 32%.

Following that our next two rounds were against meteorological apps. Weather Flow was first (67-22), followed by Amazing Weather HD (70-30).

Burning rubber next was the 'championship' semi-final round, with HD driving title from Gameloft, Asphalt 7, our match up. Perhaps some help from Gas Buddy earlier in the contest was needed, with a 65-35 victory to AAWP.

Twitter joined us in the Final, having despatched WhatsApp in its semi final. There's a strong opponent. But in the end another indie app won Nokia's app contest, just like last year as we maintained a similar margin of victory with a 62-38 final percentage score.

AAWP - Nokia Conversations

There were some great indie apps in the running too, including camera replacement app Pro Shot, FourSquare client 4th and Mayor, and the incredibly British Judge Dredd vs Zombies.

If you're looking for some of the best Windows Phone apps currently available downloading any of the 32 apps involved in the competition is a good place to start.