Review: CycloMeter
The personal smartphone presents an interesting platform to developers to try out some ideas. Many of them have decided to try building an exercise tracker app, and CycloMeter is another addition to that list. Focusing on the cycling fans who own a Windows Phone, CycloMeter tracks your trips, lets you upload the data in a usable and portable format, and lets you race against a ghost of yourself.
Version Reviewed: 1.01.0
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Probably the most important part of the application is the export function. Added in during the update to v1.0.1 is the ability to export your completed routes and trips to your SkyDrive account as a GPX file. This is a universal file format used by many GPS devices to output data, and can be read by countless applications as well.
I feel a lot more confident about using an app when I can back up the data. I feel even more confident when it isn't locked into a single app. Well done, CycloMeter.
Using the app is pretty simple. You have a big start button on the opening map screen, and the tracking begins. You can pause the route when you like, and it is with this option that you can stop the tracking, to save the data from your trips.
You can switch away from the app, and when you return (either through the back key, or hitting the app icon) you'll find the counters and tracking have carried on. Given that Windows Phone can shut down tasks if it needs more memory, I'd be hesitant to use a lot of features of my phone while on an exercise run. Make sure you are fully charged, set it to run under the lock screen, and away you go.
There is vocal feedback as you go about your business, with time and distance feedback read out to you using the Windows Phone 'Microsoft' male or female voices, which is a nice touch.
Once you've done a few trips, the fun can begin with the data, as the app will offer you charts so you can keep an eye on your performance.
CycloMeter really shows itself as a useful app if you have a regular route to measure yourself against - be it the trip to work, or round the local cycle path network. Not only does it give you the charts, but you can replay a previous 'run' along the same route on the screen while you do the same route. Much like the ghost car in a racing game, you're able to measure yourself against err... yourself while you are exercising.
While it's named and iconed as suitable for cyclists, CycloMeter is suitable for anyone whose exercise routine takes them out and about - so the power walkers, the joggers, the marathon training eejits, this is for you as well. Apps like CylocMeter are very personal, and I find it tricky to give them a score. You really do need to see if CycloMeter fits in with your own regime, not only on the exercise side of things but also in how you work with your phone during these periods. For me, I can tuck it in the pocket while cycling and have the vocal readout as I cycle along, keeping me on track. That works for me.
It's an app that fulfils the design requirements, and it does it as well as any other tracker I've seen on Windows Phone. I think the issue is that I'm still not convinced that Windows Phone has the right software environment to allow a really good exercise tracker to be developed.
Reviewed by Ewan Spence at