Looking for something a little different to watch? Viki opens up countless television shows, films, and music videos from around the world. And you don't have to worry about understanding the language, as Viki is built around subtitles, so you can watch and read away!
Monster Burner could call itself a puzzle game. It could also call itself an arcade game. Or a coin collection freemium title. What is for sure is that it's a fast moving and addictive game that has a lot going for it. It's well suited to a mobile touchscreen, plays quickly, but is let down by some pricing decisions.
Arctica has got me sussed. Throw in 3D action with plenty of particle physics and a sci-fi theme and I'm basically putty in its hands. In this case, Speedfest, though Arctica's other titles are also getting ported from Symbian to Windows Phone (watch this space). If you're into first person, seat-of-the-pants action games then I think you too will love it.
Squirrel is another entry in the continuous running game genre, but unlike many of the titles, it offers a 3D perspective that is both fast moving and slick, but also slightly nausea inducing. That's not enough to stop me enjoying it, though.
Ask anyone the biggest name in consumer computer chess and the answer will come back 'ChessGenius'. It's available for every single platform, old and new (this is its debut on Windows Phone), it's been around for well over a decade, the chess engine it's based on has won ten (computer) world championships and it'll thrash you unless you happen to be a grandmaster. And even then you might struggle. Happily, there are options here to make it less forgiving of us lesser mortals...
Let's be honest here, if you were to look at UK Trains purely on the functions offered when installed on the handset, you wouldn't be that impressed. There's no live tile support for individual stations, you can't do a manual search, and platform information is truncated. But I still like it.
I really wanted to like Storm in a Teacup. I like quirky off the wall games, I like platform games with a bit of exploration. I also like my games to be responsive, look nice, and feel right. Unfortunately Storm in a Teacup was more of the latter than the former.
Working in the same realm as the Xbox Live title Doodle God, but naturally in opposition, is Doodle Devil. Starting with a few building blocks, can you create every evil thing in the world and balance out all the good things created in Doodle God?
Amazing Alex arrived on Xbox Live last week (for Windows Phone 8 users), but Rovio also released a standalone version for Windows Phone 7 users. Like many of the March releases around GDC, Amazing Alex has been available on iOS and Android, and was pushed heavily as the 'follow up game' to Angry Birds. Now it's here on the Microsoft platform, it's hard to see what the fuss was all about.
Now we're into the second week of Major League Baseball, I decided it was time to see what the Windows Store has to offer for Windows Phone. Until MLB bring their comprehensive 'At Bat' to the platform, I'm going to recommend Baseball Live.