Recent Flow
Week 24
Get the Wileyfox Pro while it's half price!
Facebook and Windows Phone 8.1 now (almost) a no-go
UrbanDict UWP packages slang and memes for you
1tuner PWA yet another Internet Radio source
Link of Interest, Unconfirmed:
Andromeda/Surface Mobile and 'a whole new product category'
Windows 10 Mobile monthly updates for all - June 2018
The Independent's now a PWA for all browsers/computers
SG iBus UWP is terrific - live bus data and timetables for Singapore
Week 23
PAWA (UWP) gets optional command bar, progress indicator
Intel's dual-screened folding 'future'
Darksong Chronicles UWP immersive if you're into open-ended RPG
Small Media Manager Reloaded UWP
Ryanair Rooms PWA works well
Windows 10 on ARM gets a speed/battery boost with the Snapdragon 850
The video series on Windows 10's Paint 3D
Named list collaboration arrives for Microsoft To-Do
Link of Interest, Industry, Developer:
Microsoft acquires GitHub for $7.5 billion
Week 22
Musbox UWP is big on playlists
Secure Wallet PWA polished but ultimately local
It's Snake... as a PWA!
Link of Interest, Stats, Industry:
Microsoft exceeded Alphabet's (Google's) market cap this week
Groove Music iOS and Android apps to be retired, still native on Windows 10 Mobile
Mini-review: ERMO - a chill-out puzzler
'Boots UK' PWA/UWP now available
Week 21
Instabullet UWP brings Pushbullet to Windows 10 Mobile
Podcast Lounge 2 UWP gets extra collections, Spotlight, iTunes URL support
Twitter PWA (UWP) gets auto-night mode
Apps, Games, Services, Platform:
The Microsoft Store on Mobile now adding non-phone apps
8 SoundCloud UWP just works... just about!
Cortana to get semantic upgrade
Android and iOS 'rather dull in comparison'
Week 20
Link of Interest, Apps, Services: