Recent Flow
Week 18
MusicConnect gains working folder play, full album art, offline caching
Movie Maker 8.1 debuts, rough and ready video editing
Project Tripod starts out - worldwide time lapse, but on Windows Phone only
Link of Interest, Apps, Developer:
One less Podcatcher... victim of 'code cruft' and a tale of an evolving platform
SIM card sizes and a timely warning or two about cutting or adapting
Latest AdDuplex stats, 520 still king, 7.x holding on, 8.1 present even though it's not 'out' yet
Week 17
OneDrive client gains better file/photo management, better 8.1 and large device support
4Blend HDR gains many new filters, tutorials and UI tweaks
eBay updates its 3 year old client for Windows Phone, ushers in Android interface
Podcast Lounge gains better 8.1 compatibility, plus transparent live tile
Nokia Video Upload gains wider support, support for longer videos
Sparkle Unleashed is a moving Orb Slinger treat for new Sparklers
Magic Ruler more maths than alchemy
Manually backing up your Windows Phone contacts?
Baconit recieves major update, taking the Reddit client to version 3
Apocalypse Intact - Uber Racer makes it to Windows Phone
Microsoft to manage and social sites for up to a year
Microsoft's Project My Screen PC server debuts, function not consumer ready (yet)
Week 16
Nokia's Devices biz will be 'Microsoft Mobile'?
Link of Interest, Developer, Platform:
Hang on. Which bit of Developer Preview don't you understand?
Race Illegal: High Speed 3D comes to Windows Phone
Link of Interest, Analysis, Platform:
The curious case of the missing comma, plus direct cursor positioning
Stream live video from your Windows Phone using Reelsome
£20 Microsoft Gift Voucher available to UK based Lumia 625, 1020, and 1520 owners
Wholesome app puts healthy eating nutrition information at your finger tips
Sources for WP 8.1 Start screen images:, PolyScreen, and more
Identify birds from their songs with Twigle (Shazam for song birds)
How to: In search of the perfect Start background
More flexible YouTube video viewing in Internet Explorer 11
Dev Center now ready for Windows Phone 8.1 app submissions
Microsoft's Windows Phone OEM portal aims to make it easier to build a phone
More details on "Living Images" in Lumia 930 / Lumia Cyan