Recent Flow
Week 14
Winsta UWP (Instagram) gets multi-account support
Mini Radio Player UWP gets optimisations and fixes galore
Week 13
Link of Interest, Hardware, Industry:
So much for AirPower... but see Choetech instead for 'dual'
Twitter PWA updated, faster, prettier
Your perfect Continuum lap dock just got launched... (for September)
Warship Empire: The Pacific War UWP is glossy, on rails freemium
Week 12
Fit Timer UWP is your personal gym aid
Blackjack Professional UWP is a lot of 'instant' fun
Week 11
From Windows Phone to... iOS or Android
Unigram UWP (Telegram) gets barrage of new features, new options
MindMap Touch UWP is an interesting start...
Monument Browser UWP gets suggestion panel and page translation
Unofficial Spotify player (Web wrapper) UWP - is (almost) brilliant
A Zombie Dead City - slaying zombies in UWP!
Week 10
Clipboard Cleaner UWP - keeping secrets secret?
Windows Core OS, Windows 10 Mobile and CShell... explained
Winsta UWP gets 'story' support
Week 09
Microsoft Health Dashboard to be axed, RIP Microsoft Band
Surface Go 'October 2018 update' brightness issues ironed out
PitlaneOne UWP updates for Symbian and Windows 10 Mobile - ready for F1, 2019!
Twitter PWA updated with temporary 'chronological' timeline, reverts to 'algorithmic'
TV Show Tracker UWP is slick and comprehensive
Link of Interest, Hardware, Industry:
Meanwhile at MWC: folding phone options (no, not Surface Mobile)
Microsoft HoloLens 2 runs ARM (Snapdragon 850), smaller and lighter
Week 08