Link of Interest, Unconfirmed:
Recent Flow
Week 50
Coursables PWA brings online learning
Song Search PWA finds ANY lyric
Cube Wars Battle Survival UWP - fast but hard!
Backup for Instagram UWP does what it says on the tin...
Week 49
Microsoft: chasing profits not trust?
Qualcomm announces Snapdragon 8cx chipset for Windows 10
1010 Block Tiles UWP removes rows AND columns!
The lawyer-avoiding rebrand: Spodicast Music!
Monument Browser UWP's year of updates
Link of Interest, Unconfirmed:
Microsoft moving away from EdgeHTML for future Windows browser?
Week 48
Link of Interest, Hardware, Analysis:
My all-time 'SteveMark' camera phone top-ten list- but interactive!
GPXTracker UWP manages your off-road adventures
Backgammon Deluxe (including UWP)
Microsoft and Apple dicing it out as market leader..
Week 47
Another ebook option: Fiction Book Reader Limited UWP
Share 2 Print UWP widens the apps you can print from
Microsoft To-Do UWP gets themes and auto-hide for its Planned smart list
Link of Interest, Services, Platform:
Microsoft Translator gets a server-side upgrade
Block Puzzle - Wood Legend UWP is addictive and a decent time waster
Week 46
Introducing... 'GPX viewer and recorder' UWP
Stocky PWA keeps track of your portfolio
Why Windows Phone failed (video)
Rar Zip Extractor Pro UWP is polished and professional
Happy Glass UWP - drawing and pouring!
Surface Go LTE now available for pre-order in 'select markets'
Thyme PWA brings professional time logging
Week 45
Alcatel IDOL 4S Revisited: The LAST Flagship Windows Phone
Purse PWA is your crypto holdings tracker
Dice Shake PWA well worth an Edge bookmark for the Christmas season
The Lumia 950-defeating Pixel 3 reviewed on video
Is the Cosmo the Nokia Communicator reborn?
Week 44
Mini-review: OCR Text Detection Tool UWP